This month’s book recommendation

Kate Lester Slider Image

Welcome to another edition of the book club. So this week I am mostly reading Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris – the guy who wrote The Four-Hour Working Week. The Four-Hour Working Week was one of the first business books that made me start to transform Diamond – not because I wanted to work […]


Do you feel you are a fraud?

  Do you know what – sometimes I go to write these blogs and think what a flipping fraud you are Lester. You dole out all this great advice but you are just a day back from holiday and already feeling overwhelmed, have got that rising anxiety in your belly and now you are writing […]


It’s not a sacrifice – it’s a choice

I have to be honest – it’s coming up to 5 years of 100% focus on my business now and I have been really rewarded by the progress. Yes it’s been hard, and yes it’s been very challenging and I know we are a good 3-5 years away from realising our plans so the work […]


Your new job title is Creative Director

I spent year’s sort of hating the industry I was in as it didn’t feed my creative soul. In facts it’s only truthfully in the last 10 years or so I appreciated that the ‘art’ of being an entrepreneur was creative enough to satisfy the money maker as well as the creative person in my […]


Running your own race

  It’s the New Year and the marathon runners are out training for their April runs. Having been a marathon runner myself in the past I know what commitment and dedication it takes just to finish let alone do a reasonable time. As I was listening to a Baz Lurman track the other day – […]


Gap Focus

Mind the gap I work on my personal self development daily and I encourage you as entrepreneurs to continue to learn, develop and improve your game in a similar manner – because we are the tools of our business – and in order to make sure we are at our peak performance – like elite […]


You have to try this Miracle Morning Stuff…

I’ve just come back from Vietnam – and it reminded me how much I loved Good Morning Vietnam – the awesome film by Robin Williams – the key phrase I remember being “it’s 0600 hours and what does the ‘0’ stand for – oh my god it’s early.” Now I am known for my early […]


You’re Welcome

You’re welcome? I heard a great talk by Jonathan Winchester the other day talking about the client experience within your business. You see it starts from the first step out of the car, the first phone call, the first interaction. Whether its people visiting your office, being ignored instead of welcomed or the phone ringing […]


I Have The Worst Cold

I have the worst cold….. I have the worst cold today as you can no doubt hear from my voice and I thought ‘Shall I cancel my shoot today?’ I mean I could, couldn’t I – after all I am my own boss and the purveyor of my own destiny. Aren’t I? But it’s a […]


The Traits Of Very Successful Entrepreneurs

I spend a lot of time with entrepreneurs that I can learn from – people with more experience then me, bigger businesses than me – because I am learning on the job and their experience is invaluable. I have noticed a lot of shared traits that I thought I would share with you that WITHOUT […]