Welcome to another edition of the book club.
So this week I am mostly reading Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris – the guy who wrote The Four-Hour Working Week. The Four-Hour Working Week was one of the first business books that made me start to transform Diamond – not because I wanted to work four hours. But because of the premises that he discussed within The Four-Hour Working Week made me see an opportunity for us to create Diamond fulfilment.
He also wrote The Four-Hour Body and The Four-Hour Chef – really worthwhile reading through his whole library actually. But Tool of Titans is a collection from thousands of tips actually from great people such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tony Robbins all sorts of business investors, endurance athletes and all sorts of people that function at the top of their game in terms of business, mind, body and soul effectively. So it’s not the kind of book you necessarily want to read from start to finish – you maybe want to focus on an element of it and you know to take on board a few of the tips that you wanted to particularly apply to you. If you took on board everything you’d probably be slightly psychotic – that’s not to say that all the advice is applicable to you either. But I’ve certainly got some amazing nuggets out of here that I will certainly be applying to myself and my business. Funny enough of the main things I took away was that I’ve got a real problem with my ankles and my feet and I need to sort those out before I do any more running.
But it does have a wealth of business instruction in there as well, one of the really telling things is that most of the people in there practice daily routines of things particularly mindfulness or gratitude or meditation or something to that effect.
So I really encourage you to start at that bit first and then everything else I reckon will follow. But top book of the week Tools of Titans – bit of a bible, but well worth a read.
Take care