A little less conversation a little more action.

A little less conversation a little more action. I think it’s important to talk. I think a prompt guided meeting is good for sharing information, gaining c onsensus and ensuring that we are all following the right strategic path is THE most productive time you can have. But – and this is a massive BUT […]


First woman to receive Services to Industry Award at the House of Lords

first woman to receive Services to Industry Award at the House of Lords

So far 2018 has been a momentous year for Kate Lester, founder of diamondlogistics as she begins to receive multiple awards, for both new and repeat awards from previous years. From the first woman to receive Services to Industry Award at the House of Lords, to continuing to be the fastest growing logistics company in […]


Equality matters – and it’s GREAT for business too!

I don’t call myself a feminist because I believe in equality of sex, gender, race, religion and disability. Equality is my thing, and look at my company as an example. A management board of 9 (five women, four men) a strategic board of 5 (four women and one man) and 60 per cent of the […]


This month’s book recommendation

Kate Lester Slider Image

Welcome to another edition of the book club. So this week I am mostly reading Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris – the guy who wrote The Four-Hour Working Week. The Four-Hour Working Week was one of the first business books that made me start to transform Diamond – not because I wanted to work […]


Being a working parent is the toughest job in the world isn’t it?

I thought long and hard about writing this and sharing this with you, but I need to share something because I can with the benefit of hindsight – and this goes out to all my fellow entrepreneurial mums and dads out there that are suffering from the most pointless of emotions. That’s guilt, and that’s […]


My next buzzy boosting brilliant book recommendation

The book for this month is my dear friend Gary Forward’s Don’t Be a Goose. Now Gary is a recent addition to my friend’s list and I don’t mean that in the Facebook sense, I mean as in the people close to my heart. This is a guy who has absolutely abounding with positive energy […]


You are always asking what book I am reading

Welcome to the first of Kates book club. I get emails from you every week asking me what I’m reading at the moment, so I’m going to do a quick blog once a month just telling you what my book of the month is. This month is The Four Disciplines of Execution, I read The […]


Its Diamond 25th birthday on the 16th, and here’s how I made it!

I’ve been in business for 25 years on the sixteenth of March and sometimes it’s been really tough, in what has actually over 25 years now been a steadily upward trajectory with a little bit of an acceleration at the end here. It’s actually been lots and lots of up and downs and some of […]


Would you change the name of your company if you could?

A friend of mine was asking me what he should call his business. He works in the kitchens and he was wanting to know whether he should call his business around the geography, plus what is that he does, i.e. Watford Kitchens. Or whether he should name it after himself and the fact that he […]


February Q & A

Here’s a Q & A for February from Teresa. She asked, what do you concentrate on daily? By that, she means my daily routine, and it’s really straightforward, there are 5 points. Number one, I look at the cash- I look at the cash actually in my bank and in my savings account. We obviously […]