Here’s a Q & A for February from Teresa. She asked, what do you concentrate on daily? By that, she means my daily routine, and it’s really straightforward, there are 5 points. Number one, I look at the cash- I look at the cash actually in my bank and in my savings account. We obviously have short-term and long-term cash flow planners, but I like to see my bank account first thing every morning and make sure everything is tickety-boo.
The second thing I do every morning is sales- I do sales every day after 25 years I am still doing new sales every day and that’s one of the reasons that my business is one of the Fast Track 100 as one of the UK’s fastest growing companies.
The third thing that I do is that I get involved with the people in my business, so if there’s any matter pertaining to the people in terms of meetings, management, and motivation, anything to that effect that’s all about the people.
Fourth on that list – that’s pretty low because I’m still very operational as well as strategic – I look at the big picture of where we’re going and I make sure that everything we’re doing on a daily basis is aligned with our really big goals.
Last, absolutely last at the back of any of that is the administration – I still have to do some administration stuff, the government gave me pensions to do this year. I’ve got insurance renewals coming up in March, etcetera, etcetera. But that admin will be after three o’clock when I am well past my best.
What’s really interesting is that my weeks follow the similar kind of format so Monday is like my money day, Tuesday is my sales and marketing day, Wednesday is more about people, Thursday towards strategy and then Friday I tend to be catching up on all the administration which is outstanding – so that I can go and have a really nice relaxing weekend.
I hope that really helps. It’s the cash, its new sales every day, people, strategy, admin.
Take care