How did I achieve success ‘so easily’?. Here’s how in Decembers Q and A   Hi and welcome. Laura writes, simply, what’s the secret of how you became so successful so quickly? Well this one is super simple. I didn’t. I started Diamond in 1992 – earnt a whole £5ooo in my first year, and a mere £11000 in my second and worked 60 hour week with my […]


January Q+A

I have been asked by Tony – hi Tony – what are my top 10 books that are must reads for entrepreneurs who really want to expand their horizons and develop their businesses? Well 10 is really difficult actually Tony so as a starting point I have given an outline of 11 – plus I’ve […]


Kate’s Q&A – December 2015

Today’s Q&A question comes from Ashley Hoyland of Hoyland Ink: I watched one of your talks at Leeds Business Week (the Vodafone one) and you recommended the ‘Will It Make The Boat Go Faster’ book. I read the whole book the next day and found it so helpful! Now (like you) I ask myself ‘will it make […]


Kate’s Q&A October 2015 – How do you deal with the shits in business?

Thank you to Stephen for submitting this question for October – he writes as follows:  Had a bad week after being let down by taking some people at their word!!! You’ve said there are “shits” in business, well I definitely came across a couple last week. They made veiled threats forcing me into a corner and […]


Kate’s Q&A – September 2015 Part 2

Welcome back. Last week we had a double whammy question about Scaling your business – and it’s really got me thinking so this September and October I think we are going to have a bit of a focus on this subject. Anyway last week we discussed reasons to scale your business.   My reasons were […]


Kate’s Q&A – September 2015

This month David has asked me a great double whammy question:  why scale your business, and what’s the biggest challenge in scaling?  He’s sitting pretty on a great consultancy model based business, and has a six-figure income and no staff. Now he could grow his business – get people in, expand his offering, but he […]


Kate’s Q&A – July 2015

Hi all – this month I have a superb question, and it’s a biggie. Here’s the question from Sam: Hi Kate, Loved both of your books and your inspiration vids. I am embarking on shedding a toxic relationship AND just setting up my business – have you got any tips on how to keep afloat […]


Kate’s Q&A – August 2015

What’s the best time to do things? Now we are doing a lot of work on time management this month because it’s one of the key challenges facing entrepreneurs, and I am thinking, if you are like me the summer is generally a bit more mellow so instead of a crazy work schedule you can […]


Kate’s Q&A – June 2015

I have been asked by James – thank you James – why I had bailed from using a certain supplier and whether I thought they would still be of use to him. I am sure many of you know who I am talking about and I answered him accordingly: It was a question of morals. […]


Kate’s Q&A – May 2015

  It’s always darkest before the dawn… Welcome to my fellow insomniacs out there. I had a lovely message from Sean last week saying that he was having a crap night of it. His business, which is doing very well, is facing many challenges, and while he’s normally a deep sleeper he found himself awake […]