A little less conversation a little more action.

A little less conversation a little more action. I think it’s important to talk. I think a prompt guided meeting is good for sharing information, gaining c onsensus and ensuring that we are all following the right strategic path is THE most productive time you can have. But – and this is a massive BUT […]


Equality matters – and it’s GREAT for business too!

I don’t call myself a feminist because I believe in equality of sex, gender, race, religion and disability. Equality is my thing, and look at my company as an example. A management board of 9 (five women, four men) a strategic board of 5 (four women and one man) and 60 per cent of the […]


This month’s book recommendation

Kate Lester Slider Image

Welcome to another edition of the book club. So this week I am mostly reading Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris – the guy who wrote The Four-Hour Working Week. The Four-Hour Working Week was one of the first business books that made me start to transform Diamond – not because I wanted to work […]



Well here’s news for you. Sh*t happens in business. You make mistakes, you lose money, people let you down, you get taken for money and you make more mistakes! I’ve made quite a few mistakes – so many in fact I think I qualify as an expert in business if an expert is defined as […]


Do you feel you are a fraud?

  Do you know what – sometimes I go to write these blogs and think what a flipping fraud you are Lester. You dole out all this great advice but you are just a day back from holiday and already feeling overwhelmed, have got that rising anxiety in your belly and now you are writing […]


It’s not a sacrifice – it’s a choice

I have to be honest – it’s coming up to 5 years of 100% focus on my business now and I have been really rewarded by the progress. Yes it’s been hard, and yes it’s been very challenging and I know we are a good 3-5 years away from realising our plans so the work […]


Your new job title is Creative Director

I spent year’s sort of hating the industry I was in as it didn’t feed my creative soul. In facts it’s only truthfully in the last 10 years or so I appreciated that the ‘art’ of being an entrepreneur was creative enough to satisfy the money maker as well as the creative person in my […]


Sorry Mr. Grey…

One of the things it’s taken me a long time to learn in business is that giving a little leeway does you no good at all. The reality is business is primarily black and white, right and wrong, with few shades of grey. Now this can seem kind of tough but it’s supported statistically in […]


Running your own race

  It’s the New Year and the marathon runners are out training for their April runs. Having been a marathon runner myself in the past I know what commitment and dedication it takes just to finish let alone do a reasonable time. As I was listening to a Baz Lurman track the other day – […]