Tweaking your performance engine

  I am Chief Engineer in my business – I’ve created a wonderful machine which has many components. And as Chief Engineer it’s up to me to make sure they are all performing. We have, shall we say, a cleansing month here at diamond HQ. I’ve basically addressed some areas in the office of under […]


Equality matters – and it’s GREAT for business too!

I don’t call myself a feminist because I believe in equality of sex, gender, race, religion and disability. Equality is my thing, and look at my company as an example. A management board of 9 (five women, four men) a strategic board of 5 (four women and one man) and 60 per cent of the […]



Well here’s news for you. Sh*t happens in business. You make mistakes, you lose money, people let you down, you get taken for money and you make more mistakes! I’ve made quite a few mistakes – so many in fact I think I qualify as an expert in business if an expert is defined as […]


Kate Featured In The Guardian

Kate was featured in today’s Guardian newspaper, in the Women In Leadership section. You can read the article by clicking here.


An Act Of Reasonable Recklessness

In the last 23 years – yes Diamond is 23 in March – I ticked along for 20 years then super accelerated my growth in the last 3. So I have done a lot of thinking about what the first 20 were – namely a very typical journey of a small business to a seven […]


What’s Your Plan B?

I have been in business – the same business for over 23 years. Not a lot of businesses achieve that and to be honest there has been many a time if I wondered if I’d still be here in a year’s time. After all, small businesses are tough. But there is one key element, which […]


Kate’s Q&A – March 2015

Welcome to the second Kate Q and A – and when I got this question originally I thought cheeky monkey but then I thought actually there is a very important message here so bear with me. This chap was asking about my relationship status – single and very happily so thank you – no applicants […]


You’re Welcome

You’re welcome? I heard a great talk by Jonathan Winchester the other day talking about the client experience within your business. You see it starts from the first step out of the car, the first phone call, the first interaction. Whether its people visiting your office, being ignored instead of welcomed or the phone ringing […]


David And Goliath

I had a hilarious bit of gossip yesterday when I heard that the CEO of a major carrier had seen a video when I stated that I wanted to liberate British business from crappy couriers. He then declared war on little old Diamond Logistics. Bless him! Please note Mr. You-know-exactly-who-you-are I said ‘couriers’ not carriers […]


I Kind Of Like The Idea Of A Dog..

I kind of like the idea of a dog.  Something  to enthusiastically greet you at the end of the day, something that would temper my desire to work 15 hour days, something to drag me out for some exercise in the most lousy of weather.  But I am sure, having been a dog owner before, […]